

Reiki is an incredibly potent system of hands on healing. 


It has grown and grown in popularity because it is simple to learn and highly effective.


When you have been properly taught and attuned by a real Reiki Master you will carry the energy of the attunement for the rest of your life and be able to heal yourself and others through your hands,  your heart and your intention. You will also be able to protect yourself from negative energies.


Simon Hinton has been a Reiki Master teacher for over 13 years.  In this time he has trained many thousands of students and helped transformed lives and wellness.   


What is Reiki?


Reiki is a system of hands on healing that was revived by a Japanese monk Mikao Usui in the late 19th century.  Usui studied ancient spiritual teachings and travelled the world to find a way to "heal like Christ did".  When he miraculously discovered how to heal energetically he transferred the knowledge and energy to key students who became Reiki Masters and spread the dharma   (energetic power of the teachings).


Reiki is now the most popular system of hands on healing on the planet.


Reiki works by opening and maintaining an energy flow through the crown chakra and the central meridian. The system is accessed through powerful magical symbols resurrected from the ancient Sanskrit language of the East. These symbols are taught in the various degrees (levels) of Reiki attunements.


Reiki is the ideal way to clear and balance your chakras and maintain your optimum energy levels in any situation.


I am a religious person.  Is Reiki something that I should do?


Reiki works with natural energy, does not require any belief system and is totally free of dogma. Whatever your religion, Reiki can work for you.  It just requires an open mind and an open heart. 


Reiki is a spiritual/physical discipline that is totally safe and can be taught to children and adults alike.  Reiki accesses the universal violet flame which is a pure energy that refracts from Source and is alchemical in nature. Put simply this means a chaotic situation such as disease can be returned to natural order. Attuning to Reiki with a real Reiki Master has a tendency to generate the following:


The ability to heal oneself and others.

A return to full wellness of heart, mind, body and emotions.

Increased intuition, awareness and inspiration.

Alignment to one's Holy Guardian Angel.

An increase in psychic insight including the ability to see auras.

An increase in one's personal energy levels and sense of well being.

Clarity of mind and a shift towards one's true purpose in life.

A happy demeanor. 



What do I have to do to learn Reiki and will it work?

There are 4 degrees in Usui Reiki:


  • Reiki 1 
  • Reiki 2
  • Reiki Master 
  • Reiki Master Teacher

Simon also offers 'Science of the Rays' courses for those who wish to expand their healing powers further. Please enquire. 


When you have been properly attuned to Reiki the energy will flow through you and you will be able to access the power of the violet flame at any time. If you follow the system this is guaranteed.


If I choose not attune to Reiki at this time can I still receive Reiki healing?


Simon Hinton offers Reiki healing as part of his Quantum Combination treatments. Simon also offers 'Super Reiki' using various ray forms to clear pain, sickness and disease.


I would like to work up to being a Reiki Master, what work is required and how much does it cost?


Each level requires participation in a one day workshop. The Master Teacher level is a two day workshop.  After receiving the attunement at each level the student is expected to work daily with the energy.  This can be as little as 15 minutes per day.  


The cost of each level is £250 per day. Full manuals and certification is provided.


Can I do all the attunements in one week?


Generally there is a gap between each level of at least one month however this is a general rule and there are some circumstances where the attunements can be passed in a shorter time frame. 



Why should I attune with Simon Hinton and what do I receive for my investment.


Simon Hinton carries the true essence and lineage of the Usui Reiki healing system and transmits the core energy of the Violet flame . When you become a student of Simon Hinton the relationship is ongoing and support continues beyond the workshops, when needed, to assist your evolution as an authentic Reiki Healer/Teacher. 


Simon has trained and attuned a significant number of students right up to Master Teacher level.  Moreover as 'Master of the Rays' Simon also offers 'Super Reiki' attunements and teachings for those with the desire to extend their abilities beyond planetary Reiki.  All courses come with manuals and certification.


When are dates of forthcoming workshops?


2013 Dates:


Reiki 1

April 20th

June 15th


Investment: £250


Reiki 2

May 11th

June 29th 


Investment: £250


Reiki Master

April 6th 

July 6th


Investment: £250



Reiki Master Teacher

June 1st-2nd 


Investment: £500


Book full Reiki attunements a total of 5 days for Only £1097


Book your Reiki course now.


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